Thursday, May 13, 2010

Early friendships...


Sierra has some of the sweetest friends...  They've taught her how to take all the clothes off her dolls, how to play tag and a few wonderful phrases like "You're a poopy head!"
Which, of course, brings on the response, "MOM, HE SAID POOPY HEAD!!"  All while they giggle and chase each other.  Inevitably this leads to a sing-song chanting of, "Poopy head, poopy head!" to which she then shouts, "STOP SAYING POOPY HEAD!"  Then, more giggling and thus the cycle continues.  
Somehow, deep down, I fear this is only a glimpse of what's to come...

So, what is a Mom to do, you ask?  Well, telling a two-year-old to stop saying a particular word or "fun" phrase is honestly like trying to herd cats.  It's truly a pointless task, and not very productive no matter what tactic you use.  So, ultimately, I choose to ignore most of it.
Really though, I treasure these moments.  I wish I could freeze time and have them stay little, at least for a couple more years.  There's nothing better than hearing giggling children as they play and get into mischief together!  Although the older they get, the more worried I get when I hear the giggling and can't see them...


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